Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Adventures in the Blogosphere

Well I heard about it and even vowed never to be part of it but its the 21st century and I have to stop fighting it. So to my fellow Reading Specialist, welcome to the Blogosphere


  1. I too am being dragged, kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Not that I thought I’d never be a part of it but I felt I’d be unable to understand the applications and may do something quite foolish. As I shakily practice the operations and review every task a hundred times, I believe that I’d make myself less of a fool than I originally thought.

  2. You are not alone! I always second guess myself when i seem to get it right. This takes lots of practice!
    While I am not a technophobe, I do find myself lacking confidence my ability to use some of the technology in the classroom. I guess for the next couple of months we can practice and practice with the hope that we will be able to confidently use it by next term.

  3. Well I too have or I should say had an aversion to anything that dealt with technology but after reading some of the articles relating to education and technology I realize that it would be very silly of me to continue to avoid the inevitable. Ducate et al stated, “To increase opportunities for interaction outside of the traditional classroom, teachers are beginning to employ different types of social software such as blogs, wikis, chat or instant messaging.” This is the vision that I have for my classroom, therefore, I see it as imperative to learn as much as possible about Web 2.0 and its advantages and utilization in the classroom.

  4. STARCHILD said...

    I too am being dragged, kicking and screaming into the 21st century. Not that I thought I’d never be a part of it but I felt I’d be unable to understand the applications and may do something quite foolish. As I shakily practice the operations and review every task a hundred times, I believe that I’d make myself less of a fool than I originally thought.
    June 16, 2010 7:32 AM

    Mary Grant

  5. Everyone seem to be dragging, kicking and screaming into the 21st century. This may be because we are seeing technology as a scary concept where we adults are finding it difficult to comprehend while the four and five year old seem so at ease. Many times I have to call my daughter to explain and then the comment comes, but I showed you that already. What I do now is to write all instructions. It took my about a month to learn how to email, but I am determine to get there. With the information in this class I can say that I have arrived and am moving on speedily.
    Joan Plante

  6. Right now I feel a bit like you. None of my blogs are being posted. I am losing all my comments as soon as I select a profile and click on the post icon. Hope your post brings me luck. Here goes everything!

  7. The title of this blog caught my attention. Why? you may wonder. Its simply because you appear to be an amateur like me and you know what? You are humbly POSITIVE about it. Heads up! to all those amateurs on blogospere. We'll be reaching for the stars very soon at the rate we're going at.


  8. Hey,

    You beautiful, future RS. Think of this thing as beautiful. You have an excellent opportunity to teach others what you have learnt and you know what, you will be great teachers because you learnt it the hard way(kicking and screamimg).

    I know you would ensure the lessons you benefitted from would serve youR future students in good stead. Start sharing your newly acquired skills with at least one other member of staff and I know great ideas would soon be unearthed as to how you can make the technology a natural part of your teaching tool.

    Notice what happens as we share, we find out how well we are doing or how much more we can do.

    I can say all of this because I think I might have many more challenges than most of you bloggers.

  9. blogosphere is a good tool to use for the teaching of reading. come on teachers use it and become proficient and practise all the time you will get it perfect. Setting up rthe first blog was chaotic for me but i think i have it now but i porefer the other tools though especially the webspiration this is really great

  10. The ability to share ideas, concerns, gather information,communicate with people with no limitations of space or time is an advantage which we should all be thankful for. Just imagine i can share with you an idea on writing fluency, you can respond to it and make suggestions and you can be in the comfort of your home while i am at the HYATT. Its something special because its a tool even the students will love as they can discuss ideas from class and brainstorm for future classes or critique each other. It will encourage them to read and respond. Think and create. It is the tool of the modern generation.

  11. I was intimidated by technology a few years ago, I said to myself that I am not going to let technology stand in the way of my success. Now i enjoy using and finding out about new and improve technological tools that can enhance and excite teaching and learning.

    I understand your fear Sealy, but you must remember that our culture is not one like America, where student use blogs to insult, humiliate and degrade each other. What I hope that we do is use the tool as an aid to collaborate, motivate and encourage student to read and write.

    Teachers need to get with the time. If we do not keep abreast of the new technologies that seem to be popping up everyday, then our students will be left behind. so enjoy and use the technology that is relatively available to us.

  12. I myself feel a bit intimidated by all this technology that should be incorporated in our teaching strategies, but as Mrs Jasckson pointed out it is an effective tool that would aid our students to be successful. As teachers we have to get with the times and be competent with these tools. So enough with the fear and lets welcome ourselves aboard this "techno ship".
