Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Let’s go to the library

Well the annual vacation is here and being the parent of two rambunctious children, I have to come up with ways to entertain them and at the same time retain my sanity. I am not one of those parents who believe that the television should be used as a baby-sitter (sorry Disney) nor do I think I should be in the room with my children 24 hours a day (it's my vacation too you know). I decided I will make this vacation a 'Bookation' (I know it's a clumsy word but I'm opened to any other suggestions). The first step was a trip to the library. I announced this to the kids and they screamed with delight, for a moment I thought I said "let's go to the mall" . When we got to the library, several other children were there, some were browsing, others were reading, and some were looking at a movie ( I must confess I did not expect to see Alvin and the Chipmunks at the library today). I sat at a table and surveyed the scene before me while my children ran to the shelves with yelps of excitement. When I was growing up, the library was a small, old, dusty place with a matching librarian who guarded the books with her life. Today it's a wide open space with plush carpet and colorful shelves, young teenage library assistants and a TV. My musings were interrupted with the return of my children showing me their choices. I looked them over, checked their readability by using the 'goldilocks strategy' and headed to the checkout. In all we borrowed 16 books, which I thought was quite ambitious and headed to the car and to what I think will be a most rewarding vacation. You can follow the 'Bookation' right here on this blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I must commend you on this excellent idea Kassieran! I have two sons aged 16 and 6 and a nephew 11yrs old. It’s a bit challenging getting them all to settle to read during the day especially since they are each at different reading levels and maturation and have different interests. Admittedly, I have not made any REAL efforts (yet) to get them into reading for the vacation. Also they are exhibiting behaviours of the alliterate (since they are quite capable of reading). I do not subscribe to the view that “boys will be boys” even though they are extremely attracted to the beach and river with their newly acquired fishing rods. Even the kitchen seems a more attractive option to them as they enthusiastically clean and cook their catch. I do take heart from your initiative though and as a Reading Specialist in training; I expect that we may have similar stories to share as I follow your adventurous “Bookation”.

  3. I am always happy to hear people express the love for reading that I have. When I was younger I thought that this love had to be unnatural because I literally could not function if I did not have a book and still cannot. However, over the years I have met others who share same sentiments. I really do applaud your efforts with the “Bookation”. I am currently trying to get my little cousin to be as enthusiastic as I am about reading but I believe she does not have that passion. I don’t think that the intense love for reading is there but I believe she recognizes its importance and she tries. We currently spend about half our each night (once she is by me) reading our individual books or I would read to her and we then discuss vocabulary or information gleaned in the book (we are currently doing Harriet’s Daughter). She is very much into technology so I think that the IPAD may be incentive for her to read so her mother and I are currently discussing getting her one. Continue however encouraging your children to read.

  4. It is enthralling to note that a male parent took the initiative to visit the library with his kids during the vacation. I have from the refurbishment of the said facility used the services of the updated libray also with my son. I want to encourage all parents i.e when they have time which is usually a Saturday, you're exempted Roland to participate in baby lap sit and the story telling facilities that the library does offer. We partcipated in the last Carifesta when a Surinamese author presented folktales and we had a great time. I would like our library to be like those my son and I have visited abroad to allow young learners to borrow DVD's, that's an interseting idea. Roland did you know that the library also offers a vacation craft programme. Look it up, take part in it . I'm sure you and your kids will enjoy it.

  5. Hi Kasserian,
    I too must applaud your efforts as a MALE parent, taking time out to take your kids to the Library. I am amazed at their response too.

    After reading your post, just for the sake of testing the response I would receive from my 12 year old son, I told him that we would visit the Library in Chaguanas tomorrow. He came up to me put his hand under my neck and asked me if I had a fever.

    It is very difficult to get him to read. However, I know the importance of reading and what has worked for me is that I encourage him to read any article he wishes to read in the newspaper everyday. Needless to say he goes to the back pages of the newspaper everyday.

    Kudos to you and your "Bookation".

  6. Kasserian,
    I applaud your "Bookation". I would also be using the Bookation this vacation, but I'll rename it "Bookathon". Thanks for the idea! My girls, who are already avid readers, would be quite thrilled. This week we would visit the library. Reading is always a thrilling adventure. I look forward to quietly following the "Bookation"/"Bookathon" this vacation.
