Wednesday, August 4, 2010

"Order in the classroom!"

Over the last few weeks musings have been made about the use of technology in the classroom by members of the reading class. My students are exposed to very little of it as a teaching aid. Although there are E-beam, laptops, projectors and other media little or none is utilized. I used to think too much dependence on technology can lead to apathy in students, can cause them to despise reading and will lead to their failure in the given subject. I have now come to accept that it is an inevitable part of education in this day and age and as such students should be allowed to regularly utilize it in the classroom setting. Students seem genuinely excited about the lessons, whenever I use the technology, I sometimes simply have to walk with a laptop and they become excited. The problem arises when you have to get the equipment and set it up, which could be a bit intimidating. Thankfully we just got a technician who will hopefully eliminate those problems. Another problem which arises is the management of the class during a lesson using Web 2.0 technologies. The logistics of many classes in secondary schools can turn a simple lesson into a discipline nightmare. Yes I will admit that talking and socializing is normal for developing adolescent but what I have a problem with is excessive talking and ill-timed socializing. The NEA believes that "when teachers, parents, and other adults in the lives of young adolescents begin to think of this social behavior as a normal part of human development and not an aberration, they can enjoy and accommodate behavior changes along the developmental continuum." I think I am at that point in my teaching career.

1 comment:

  1. I must agree with you that at time I wish they would shut up so that i can carry out my lesson, but to no avail. I had not considered that I was not engaging them adequately.Like yourself I love using the laptop in the classrrom, I have created Powerpoint to teach some of my lessons, but could you imagine that I have students who ask me , Miss are you giving us any note? Are you going to write it on the board. They have not come to conceptualize that I have provided them with note, though not in the format with which they have become accustomed.I have thus realized that they are not fully Literate with the digital te4chnologies of the 21st century. it is now my responsibility to engage and introduce them to as many as possible.
