Monday, August 2, 2010

Where are we going

Web 2.0 technologies have revolutionised the way I look at teaching and has turned my pedagogical practices on its head. This has become necessary and it was almost inevitable. It was bound to happen. But how ready are we for the revolution. There are many revolutions that has proven destructive to persons who were not prepared for it. They were somehow caught up in it and it spelt their demise. The entire scenario reminds me of a line out of a Michael Critchton novel. It goes "Sometime in the 21st century our self-deluded recklessness will collide with our growing technological power" Are we so ignorant to think that this brave new world of the 21st century will somehow not be affected by our growing materialism and greed? Every revolution has a hero and liberator, teachers are to step up and be that sane and liberating force that will save our children from the corrupting influences that they are sure to face when they hone their already natural computing skills.

1 comment:

  1. Roland,
    Sorry to say we are not ready for this technology revolution. If we are ready then these questions would be answered.
    Does every teacher have access to a laptop to teach the tools to the students?
    Can every teacher in the schools have the skill and knowledge to be imparted to the students?
    Does every teacher in the programme that we are enrolled understand how to use the technology NO
    i spoke to some teachers in class in this afternoon and some definitely do not know how to use the tools that they were taught. They do not even have a clue how to go about writing up the lesson.
    There are so many other things that have to be done before we can be ready.The simple microsoft Office Basics are not known Do you know that there are some of us who do not know how to even hyperlink? how to hang references as required by APA yet we are told to write the paper APA style ha ha.
    We have to get real in this country and do what is required of us instead of taking things for granted.
    When this programme is over, many of us would be successful of passing the stated exams but the reality is are we able to give the children what they need to survive in the 21st century classrooms and beyond.
